About Us
Welcome to Down Wattle Lane.
Down Wattle Lane is our home, and like the beautiful yellow blossoms of a Wattle tree, we have found our little piece of paradise here in the Canterbury sunshine. For us living on a lifestyle block is a way of life and it’s the pinnacle of our Kiwi dream. Living rurally you soon discover the air is cleaner, the grass is greener, and life operates at a far more relaxed pace.
Down Wattle Lane is also the home of a rare heritage breed of sheep, the Arapawa Sheep, in which we farm a small flock. We are extremely passionate about this breed of sheep. They are a versatile, hardy breed with plenty of personality & character. Their origins remain a mystery but they have been living in the wild on Arapawa Island long before most early European Pioneers started immigrating to New Zealand. For that one reason, they get my vote in being the most Kiwi of sheep.
Down Wattle Lane is also the NZ home of Unicorn Fibre Cleaner’s. An earth friendly solution to your fibre cleaning needs. We love everything about wool, it’s such an amazing natural fibre. So whether you are a home based crafter or a carpet manufacturer, Unicorn Fibre Cleaner’s can help you.
Welcome to our home, Down Wattle Lane… pop on in and say hi!